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I started making handmade books during the pandemic when my dear friend and master bookbinder Bari Zaki and I created BOOKFUL, our online class.In each 4-week session, Bari teaches how to make a book and I show how we can fill it with drawings, paintings, collages and words. Although I'd already written several books, it was great to discover how we can write using images first and allow a book to emerge intuitively.

Artists We Love 2021—

I began this book with our BOOKFUL class. Our idea was to appreciate artists who awakened our own creative selves over time. When the class ended, I continued to work on the book and the story told itself. Accordion book / 6" square.

A Year At Home 2021—

I began this book with our BOOKFUL class. We decided to tell the story of our year at home during the worldwide pandemic of 2020. We were close enough to the events for the book to be a way of remembering and letting go. Accordion book / 6" square.

More coming soon...

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